

If you are in agreement with the objectives and activities of CSSE and would like to become involved, you should consider joining us. CSSE is the only Member Society of The Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) that has a charitable organization status. The roots of CSSE are with the Life Members Organization (LMO) of the EIC. The LMO membership came from retired engineers from all the Member Societies of EIC and its support of youth projects was traditional. When CSSE was formed it carried on and expanded the work of the LMO.

If you are a graduate engineer, senior in age or experience, retired, semi-retired or still practicing, you are eligible for membership. There are no prerequisites with respect to previous or current membership in other engineering societies or regulatory bodies. If you are a graduate in a non-engineering discipline and have experience in work associated with the profession of engineering, you may be eligible for Associate Membership.

Benefits of Membership
The Objectives and Activities section of this website provides details of the benefits of membership, but to summarizes, they are as follows:

  • Maintain contact with colleagues, regionally and nationally;
  • Support youth oriented projects;
  • Have input on issues of national and regional interest;
  • Have input on the formal recognition of deserving colleagues.

About the CSSE to Share with your Colleagues:

The Canadian Society of Senior Engineers (CSSE) is a multi-disciplinary home for experienced engineers from across Canada. The CSSE is:

  • An inclusive organization affiliated with the Engineering Institute of Canada seeking to leverage the insights and networks of its members for the benefit of members and society.
  • Our focus is on supporting education and providing informed opinions on technical issues of the day, CSSE is not a regulator.

We believe “experience matters” and have welcomed and recognized the achievements of engineers from all disciplines since 2002.

If you or anyone at your organization would like more information about CSSE or about becoming a member, please continue on the Membership tab on this site or contact CSSE Secretary Treasurer, Bruce Peachey, at or


The annual membership fee is $100.  Annual membership fees are due by January 1st. You can pay by cheque or by credit card.

To pay by cheque, please make it payable to The Canadian Society of Senior Engineers and mail to: The Canadian Society of Senior Engineers, 464 Briar Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 5H6. Donations support the charitable activities of the society. Any amount above the annual membership fee will be processed as a donation. Income tax receipts are provided for donation amounts of $25 or more.

To pay by credit card, click on the link below.  Once you have added the membership fee to your shopping cart, you may add a donation before checking out. Credit card payments are processed using PayPal.
Click here to make a selection


Donations support the charitable activities of the society. To provide a donation by cheque, please make it payable to The Canadian Society of Senior Engineers and mail to: The Canadian Society of Senior Engineers, 464 Briar Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 5H6. Donations by credit card can be made HERE. Credit card payments are processed using PayPal. Income tax receipts are provided for donation amounts of $25 or more.

If you have questions about CSSE, you are encouraged to contact