Marcel Gingras

Marcel Gingras, P.Eng., PMP, MEng

After graduating from the Royal Military College, Marcel launched a 28 year career as a Military Engineer in Canada and internationally. After he retired as a Major, he led significant programs to modernize Canada’s Esquimalt Naval Base.
Marcel has been an active volunteer in Victoria. His most important activity has been with the Victoria Branch of Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC) which he chairs.

He works with the Vancouver Island Engineering Society (VIES), a chapter of the Canadian Society of Senior Engineers of the Engineering Institute of Canada and has been instrumental in strengthening the relationship between EGBC and VIES.
As a result of Marcel’s initiative, EGBC now accepts virtual participation in VIES’ Speaker Series programs as professional development content for EGBC members. Fees generated from these offerings have enabled VIES and EGBC’s Victoria Branch to enhance their respective funding of student awards.

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